
We offer a variety of health and wellness programs, as a benefit to the East County community – and support community-based organizations wishing to utilize our spaces for their free programming.

Registration priority varies for our library wellness programs, as they are provided as a benefit to East County community members (people who live, work, attend school, or access health care services within District boundaries). Some of our programs are open to all interested participants. Please click on each event to read specific program details. Schedules are subject to change or move locations due to inclement weather and/or instructor/speaker absences. Any updates will be reflected below or on our social media pages. Otherwise, assume regular scheduling.

Attendance rules: we suggest arriving a few minutes early. All library wellness programs are structured and will begin promptly at their listed time. We understand occasionally a late arrival is unavoidable. However, in consideration of our instructors’ limited allotted time and program format, if you arrive more than 10 minutes late for a program you will be asked to not join and will lose your reserved spot to another interested participant.

Community-based organizations providing free health and wellness programs for the benefit of East County can review our facility use policy and reservation system for District spaces by clicking here.

For questions about our wellness programs, please contact library@grossmonthealthcare.org or 619.825.5010.

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Event Views Navigation


Event Series Fitness Forever Club

Fitness Forever Club

Grossmont Healthcare District's Health & Wellness Library 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA, United States

Fitness Forever Club is geared towards older adults and seniors to improve their ability to do tasks […]

Blood Drive with San Diego Blood Bank

Grossmont Healthcare District 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA, United States

Did you know: one blood donation saves up to three lives? Join us at our annual blood […]

Event Series Memory Café

Memory Café

Grossmont Healthcare District's Health & Wellness Library 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA, United States

In collaboration with George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers, Inc.© a community-based organization that supports families impacted […]
