
About Us

The Grossmont Healthcare District is a public agency that supports the health & wellness of East County. It is governed by an elected Board of Directors that serves residents through local healthcare initiatives. Our team acts on these initiatives and designs a strategic plan for the region based on current community health priority needs.

Based on recent assessments conducted by the County of San Diego, the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties, and Sharp HealthCare in conjunction with the District, the District is primarily focused on aging concerns, behavioral health (including mental health and substance use disorder), as well as the three top chronic conditions of heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

What We Do

  • We operate a Health & Wellness Library, with access to reliable health information, free wellness programs, and spaces available to the community. Library card sign-ups are available for people that currently live, work, attend school, or have a healthcare connection to East County.
  • We provide grants and sponsorships to local nonprofits in alignment with our strategic priorities
  • We support the region’s future generations through healthcare career scholarships for both high school and post-secondary students
  • And we take action on important local initiatives led by the District’s Board of Directors. Click here to read our latest news & updates.

Our History

In early 1952, East County residents voted to establish the original healthcare district, known then as the Grossmont Hospital District. Local civic leaders and physicians envisioned it as the vehicle for building a modern hospital to address the unmet healthcare needs of their rapidly growing post-WWII communities.

  • August 1955: the District opened its doors to Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa.
  • 1991: the governing board of the District decided to enter into a precedent-setting lease agreement for hospital operations with San Diego-based nonprofit Sharp HealthCare to deal with the daunting challenges of modern healthcare.
  • June 2014: District voters approved the renewal of this 30-year lease agreement with Sharp HealthCare until 2051.
  • Today: the Grossmont Healthcare District has maintained formal ownership over the hospital, while Sharp manages all hospital operations and maintenance.

Visit our FAQ page to learn more.

Our Mission

As stewards of the public trust, your Grossmont Healthcare District will preserve and protect those resources entrusted to its care. To maintain and improve the physical and behavioral health of its constituents, we will:

  • Anticipate and recognize the unmet health care needs of the communities we serve and support suitable services to the greatest extent possible consistent with available resources.
  • Collaborate with the hospital and other community partners to ensure access to state-of-the-art medical services for all of the residents of Grossmont Healthcare District and beyond.