The Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (ICBOC) is a volunteer citizens group that is overseeing how the taxpayer-supported Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) is spending millions of dollars in voter-approved public financing for construction projects at Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa. The committee has been assigned the task of overseeing bond proceed expenditures to ensure that taxpayer dollars on infrastructure construction are spent effectively and efficiently, and to inform taxpayers. See the quick links below for more information on the ICBOC.

Historical Perspective

History of the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

The Proposition G Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (ICBOC) was formed in 2006, following the passage of Proposition G (Prop G) in the June 2006 election. Prop G, a $247 million general obligation bond measure, was approved by East County voters by more than 77 percent, well above the two-thirds required. As a representative for taxpayers, creation of the ICBOC was included in the Prop G ballot measure. There was no organized opposition and no ballot argument against the ballot measure filed with the Registrar of Voters. Included in the ballot measure were specific infrastructure projects at Sharp Grossmont Hospital, as identified in the hospital’s facilities master site plan.

ICBOC members are uncompensated East County residents who are charged with monitoring the expenditure of bond proceeds for the bond-financed construction at Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa. The volunteers oversee how the publicly elected Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) board of directors are spending the dollars. The ICBOC committee ensures that taxpayer dollars on infrastructure construction are spent effectively and efficiently, and to inform taxpayers.

The ICBOC was seated and started regular meetings in late 2006, which was several months in advance of the first bond issuance in August 2007 and the start of construction more than a year later. This provided the committee a significant orientation time frame – in advance of monitoring bond sale and construction processes – to appropriately discuss and learn about the nature and responsibilities of oversight committees, the bond engagement and sale process and the hospital construction process.

Specific seats on the ICBOC are filled by individuals representing various constituency groups and business sectors, such as project management, large-scale construction operations, finance, San Diego County Taxpayers Association, San Diego County Labor Council and Sharp Grossmont Hospital.

The role of ICBOC members is not to rubber-stamp, endorse or be a cheerleader for the decisions of GHD, its board, the hospital or Sharp HealthCare, which manages the hospital operations. Nor is their job to micromanage and dictate construction direction. Rather, the committee’s function is to understand the processes and structure that will be used during construction and provide conscientious and diligent oversight to the benefit of taxpayers. The committee is not involved in project management, only oversight. The ICBOC’s promise to all East County residents is to operate in an open and transparent manner so that all District taxpayers can be fully informed with detailed accounting and monitoring of the Prop. G activities.

Public Information & Documents

Below you will find access to various documents related to the ICBOC. If you are unable to locate specific public documents of interest, please contact us and they will be provided upon request.

Proposition G Bid Packages

The $247 million Prop G general obligation bond measure was approved by East County voters in 2006. Included in the ballot measure were specific infrastructure projects at Sharp Grossmont Hospital, as identified in the hospital’s facilities master site plan.

Following the approval of Prop G, the Grossmont Healthcare District issued invitations on each project to contracting firms to submit bids in response to each bid package. Bid packages are the contract documents that a public agency releases to potential bidders as an invitation to bid.

Each package contains all drawings, specifications, bid forms, bid bond requirements and other related documents relevant to each Prop G construction project upon which each contract is based.

All bid packages released by the District from 2006 to now are available for review upon request by contacting us.
