The Grossmont Healthcare District is a special district and local form of government created to address the unmet healthcare needs in East San Diego County. The District values transparency and is committed to providing the public with updated documents in accordance with the California Public Records Act (Act) (Government Code §6250 et. seq.). The Act requires the District to make public records available to the public and provide copies upon request unless there is a legal basis not to do so.


• Completion of Ethics Training

• Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

• Grant Policy

Website Requirements

• District’s Mission Statement

• Map of District Boundaries

• Staff and Board Biographies

• Board Meeting Information

• Enterprise Systems Catalog

• Programs and Services Offered

• Annual Operating Budget

• Financial Audits

• District Election/Vacancy Process

Municipal Services Review

• AB 1234 Ethics Certificate for all Trustees and Executives

• Reimbursement Policy

• Compensation Policy

• Financial Reserves Policy

• District Bylaws

• Mobile Friendly Website

Website Transparency

• Annual Report to the Community

Executive Compensation

• Board Policy on Executive Compensation

State and Local Agency Reporting

• Recent Municipal Service Review

Financial Reporting

• Annual External Financial Audit

Best Practices

• Strategic Plan

• Live or Recorded Board Meetings
