Simulation Technology and Virtual Learning Prepare Future Healthcare Workers for a ‘New Normal’

Nursing student and GHD Director Hall with simulation training mannequin

As published in Santee Magazine, Summer 2020
by Virginia Hall, RN

Simulation training and virtual learning for future healthcare workers is now more important than ever, offering responsive technology to practice real-life medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

With a $100,000 grant recently awarded by the Grossmont Healthcare District, the Grossmont Health Occupations Center (HOC) in Santee is building our local health workforce during this “new normal” with hands-on simulation training to practice full assessments, emergency scenarios, and injection and IV training.

The Health Occupations Center provides high quality, affordable academic opportunities in the growing workforce sector, and it comes just in time for many East County families considering a career in healthcare. Read more…

About Virginia Hall, RN

Hall  is a retired Registered Nurse. A nursing school graduate of Grossmont College (1978), Hall worked in healthcare from 1973 to 2004. Her nursing background includes working in several local hospitals, emergency rooms, clinics, and research facilities. She has served on the Grossmont Healthcare District board of directors since November 2016.
