James Sly, East County Economic Development Council, joins hospital construction monitoring citizens group

The volunteer citizens group monitoring the spending of millions of dollars in public funds for new and improved patient care facilities at Sharp Grossmont Hospital has a new member. James Sly, vice president and chief operations officer of the San Diego East County Economic Development Council (ECEDC), has joined the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (ICBOC). The Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD), the public agency managing the bond-financed construction at the hospital, recently approved the appointment of Sly to the ICBOC.

ICBOC members are uncompensated East County residents who are charged with monitoring the expenditure of funds from the $247 million, voter-approved 2006 Proposition G bond measure.

Specific seats on the ICBOC are filled by individuals representing various constituency groups and business sectors, such as project management, large-scale construction operations, finance, labor, the Taxpayers Association, and healthcare. Based on his experience in a senior-level decision-making position, Sly will serve on the ICBOC as a project management representative.

“I’m very excited about this opportunity to serve,” said Sly, a Santee resident. “I’m passionate about connecting partners in order to find the nexus between a problem and solution and I’m always looking for more efficient ways to accomplish our work and improve outcomes. I look forward to working with the committee for the benefit of taxpayers and our community.”

Sly has 11 years of experience in project management and consulting. He has a bachelor’s degree in business management from San Diego State University and leadership certificates from the San Diego Public Leadership Institute and Harvard Business School.

He joined the ECEDC in 2012 as a program manager tasked with helping the Department of Defense and Defense Logistics Agency fine-tune their procurement systems to make solicitations more attractive to U.S.-based manufacturers. After leading the development of a new supply chain software solution, he expanded his attention to other ECEDC projects, including the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Pipline, the Connectory business database and the “Aerotropolis,” the name given to an urban planning and economic development effort for the property surrounding the county-operated Gillespie Field airport.

Prior to joining the ECEDC, Sly worked as a management consultant, servicing startup and mid-size businesses throughout San Diego’s private sector, and as a workforce consultant for the One-Stop Career Center Network and San Diego’s CalWORKS Welfare-to-Work and Refugee Resettlement programs.

Barry Jantz, GHD CEO, said the District is seeking additional East Region residents interested in serving on the ICBOC group. The ICBOC meets quarterly and sub-committees meet at various times as needed, some monthly. Interested volunteers can obtain an application by contacting GHD at (619) 825-5050, or via e-mail.

