Grossmont Healthcare District offers scholarships for nursing, health tech students


GHD Board of Directors with recent health career scholarship recipients

The Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) is seeking applicants for two scholarship programs, one for nursing students and another for students pursuing careers as health technicians.

The nursing scholarship, called the Richard J. Bea Nursing Scholarship, is named after former GHD board member Richard Bea, a registered nurse who worked at Grossmont Hospital for 18 years and served on the GHD board from 1996 until his death in 1999. There are two nursing scholarships available to local students studying to be a Registered Nurse, winners are eligible for up to $3,000.

Students pursuing careers as health technicians are also invited to apply for one of five Health Tech Scholarships in the amount of $2,000. Eligible occupations include anesthesiology technician, cardiovascular technician, disability services management, laboratory technician, licensed vocational nurse, occupational therapy assistant, orthopedic technician, pharmacy technician, respiratory therapy technician, speech therapy or speech pathology technician and telemetry/EKG technician. Health tech scholarships are awarded based on merit of responses rather than a certain number of awards per occupation.

“It’s important to invest in access to education and training programs for District residents focusing their studies in the healthcare field, with the goal of serving in tomorrow’s workforce. We look forward to their future success through college and beyond,” said Michael Emerson, GHD board president. “Our board of directors have made a long-term commitment to provide scholarship opportunities to students pursuing careers in healthcare as part of our mission to support suitable services in East Region communities.”

Deadline to receive applications for both scholarship programs is 3 p.m., Friday, Feb. 9, 2018. Applicants for both scholarship programs must reside within the boundaries of GHD for a minimum of one year, or have graduated from a high school located within the district’s boundaries. Previous recipients of either of these GHD scholarships are not eligible to reapply.

For more information and to obtain the criteria and applications for both scholarships, visit our Scholarship Programs page.
