
The Grossmont Healthcare District encourages future generations to consider the healthcare industry when making career decisions. Senior class advisors/counselors from eligible private, charter and public high schools in East County (see page 5 of the Scholarships Policy) are notified and able to select two seniors planning to pursue healthcare careers at the college level or an accredited health occupations training program.

Each eligible high school selects two total seniors graduating in the current fiscal year: one in the amount of 3,300 دولار (الجائزة الأولى) وواحد ل 1,650 1 دولار (الجائزة الثانية). Scholarship awards are paid in two pro-rated installments, contingent upon completing the criteria listed in the award payment section below.

Selection Period OPENS 12/1

It is required that each high school submit its two winners via the Submittable portal. It is highly recommended that each high school have only one representative create a Submittable account in order to alleviate any submission errors.

NOTE: This portal is not for high school public distribution and is strictly for the use of the high school representative only.


Submittable 101: Getting Started as a New Submitter
Submittable 101: How to Navigate Your Submittable Account

Selection Process:

  1. Private, charter and public schools in East County with at least 10 graduating seniors for the current year are eligible to participate (for a list of current eligible schools, please refer to Addendum A in the FY 24-25 Scholarships Policy).
  2. The selected students shall be chosen from current fiscal year graduates residing within the Grossmont Healthcare District.
  3. Student selections shall be submitted to the District by their advisor/counselor no later than the first الجمعة in شباط/فبراير.
  4. Each school may select two students (a “primary” recipient and a “secondary” recipient). The chosen students shall be selected from among their peers whom are also planning to pursue healthcare careers at the college level. The school counselor may accept at face value the student’s assertion that they intend to pursue a healthcare career. The term “healthcare career” shall be broadly interpreted to include not only the healing arts but also those non-traditional careers recognized by the State of California for which citizens may legally seek assistance for illness, injury, or disease.
  5. The selected students shall have earned, as of the completion of the first semester of their senior year, no less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA, based on a scale of 4.0 as grade “A”.
  6. Economic need is not a criterion for the award. However, the school counselor may, at their sole discretion, use “economic disadvantage” as a “tiebreaker”. The school counselor may also use it as a “tiebreaker” consideration for those students not receiving an award from any other scholarship program.
  7. Student selections shall be considered according to applicable Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination laws. All eligible students shall be fairly considered.
  8. يجب أن توافق المدرسة على تعريف جميع الطلاب المؤهلين بهذه المنح الدراسية.


  1. High school counselors are responsible for informing their students of their scholarship win.
  2. The selected students are the “winners” and will be asked to participate in a public ceremony at the Grossmont Healthcare District held at a Board Meeting in the spring TBD at 7:30 (Doors open at 7AM) where they will receive their certificates and have their photos taken with the Board. Photo waivers will need to be completed by the students prior to the ceremony. Click here to complete a photo release waiver.
  3. يجب على مستشاري/مرشدي المدارس الثانوية تزويد منطقة غروسمونت للرعاية الصحية بمعلومات الاتصال الشخصية للطلاب ويجب أن يوافق الطلاب على إبقاء المنطقة على علم بأي تغييرات في معلومات الاتصال. يجب أن يوافق الطلاب أيضًا على إجراء استبيان حول وضعهم المهني في أي وقت في عامهم الدراسي ولمدة تصل إلى عام واحد بعد ذلك. سيتم استخدام المعلومات لتحديد مدى فعالية برنامج المنح الدراسية.

دفع الجائزة:

للطلاب الملتحقين بالجامعة:

  1. Initial payment awarded after completion of one semester of college classes with
    • a minimum of 9 units and no less than a 2.5 grade point average.
  2. The additional (or subsequent) money will be disbursed within 18 months of receiving the initial money upon sending a copy of their full school transcript displaying student’s name and school name demonstrating the student has received a:
    • “B” grade or better in one of the following healthcare classes: Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, Statistics, Botany. The District will need to receive this copy of their current transcript, along with their name and current mailing address.
  3. أمام الطلاب مهلة حتى الفصل الدراسي الثاني بعد التخرج من المدرسة الثانوية للمطالبة بأموال المنحة الدراسية الأولية وإلا سيخسرون المنحة الدراسية. يحتاج الطالب إلى تقديم نسخة من كشف الدرجات الخاص به مع اسمه وعنوانه إلى المنطقة التعليمية لمعالجة الدفع بحلول 28 يونيو 2025. يمكن إرسالها بالبريد الإلكتروني (PDF) إلى billing@grossmonthealthcare.org أو إرسالها بالبريد إلى 9001 شارع واكاروسا ، لا ميسا ، كاليفورنيا 91942.

للطلاب الملتحقين ببرنامج تدريبي معتمد للمهن الصحية:

  1. دفعة أولية تُمنح عند تقديم خطاب قبول في برنامج تدريب معتمد للمهن الصحية
  2. سيتم صرف الأموال الإضافية (أو اللاحقة) عند تقديم شهادة إتمام الدراسة.

تعليمات الدفع للفائزين السابقين:

  1. ستُمنح المدفوعات للطلاب عند إثبات إتمامهم بنجاح:
    أ) فصل دراسي واحد من فصول الكلية - يتم إكماله بعد التخرج من المدرسة الثانوية - بحد أدنى 9 وحدات دراسية وبمعدل لا يقل عن 2.0 درجة
    ب) أو برنامج شهادة في برنامج معتمد للتدريب على المهن الصحية.
  2. يحتاج الطالب إلى تقديم نسخة من كشف الدرجات الخاص به مع اسمه وعنوانه البريدي الحالي إلى المنطقة لمعالجة الدفع. يمكن إرسالها بالبريد الإلكتروني (PDF) إلى billing@grossmonthealthcare.org أو إرسالها بالبريد إلى 9001 شارع واكاروسا, La Mesa, CA 91942.
