
بصفتها وكالة عامة، تدافع منطقة غروسمونت للرعاية الصحية مع المشرعين المحليين ومشرعي الولاية عن القضايا التي تؤثر على سكاننا وشركائنا في المجتمع وعمليات المنطقة أو المستشفى بقيادة مجلس إدارتنا. قدمت المقاطعة تعليقات بشأن التشريعات التالية:

Assembly Bills 2024

Assembly Bill 918: Letter of Concern over the dissolution of the Pioneer and Heffernan Healthcare Districts and creation of a new Imperial Valley Healthcare District, due to the state legislature taking action on a local issue without voter approval.

Senate Bills 2024

Senate Bill 1432: Grossmont Healthcare District is committed to protecting access to care in our community, but relief is needed to ensure we can comply with this costly, unfunded mandate for seismic compliance. By providing additional time to meet the 2030 standard, SB 1432 provides the relief that hospitals need to achieve compliance.

Senate Bill 895: Letter of Support for SB 895 by Senator Richard Roth which addresses California’s nursing shortage by authorizing 15 community college districts to award Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees.

Senate Bill 43:

  • Letter of Support delaying the start date of SB-43 would lead to an emergency department patient increase for the severely disabled.
  • Letter of Support to the SD County Board of Supervisors indicating strong support for allocating ARPA Evergreen funds for the implementation of Senate Bill 43 (SB 43). Under SB 43, the definition of gravely disabled is expanded to include individuals with severe substance abuse disorder or severe substance abuse disorder with a co-occurring mental health condition, and those who are unable to provide for their basic personal needs for food, clothing, shelter, personal safety, or necessary medical care. SB 43 allows law enforcement or county-designated professionals to place involuntary holds on an expanded group of individuals and transport them to emergency departments for a psychiatric evaluation and possible hospitalization.

Other Letters

San Diego County Board of Supervisors: Letter of Support authorizing the Board of Supervisors to assess the board and care and subacute bed capacity for Medi-Cal eligible adults with behavioral health conditions in each Supervisorial district, and identify strategies to increase the number of available beds as needed.

Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan: Letter of Support for the proposed amendment for Fiscal Years 2023-2026. This amendment reallocates $10 million from Community Services and Supports (CSS) to Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN), which is crucial for projects like the recent development and construction of the East Region Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) in El Cajon.

Song Brown Primary Care Residency Funding: Letter of Opposition regarding the state’s مايو budget revision that decreases funding for the establishment of new medical residency programs

تواصل مع ممثلي ولايتك

تتكون الهيئة التشريعية لولاية كاليفورنيا من مجلس الشيوخ (40 عضوًا) والجمعية (80 عضوًا). يعمل أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ لمدة 4 سنوات وأعضاء الجمعية لمدة سنتين. يتم انتخابهم لتمثيل دوائر محلية محددة. لكل مسؤول منتخب مكتب في ساكرامنتو ومكتب محلي، حيث يمكن للناخبين الاتصال أو تحديد مواعيد الاجتماعات الشخصية لمناقشة أولويات الولاية. انقر هنا للعثور على ممثلي الولاية لتطلب منهم دعم أو معارضة مشاريع قوانين الولاية.
