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Meet & Greet the Artist Reception: San Diego River Artists’ Alliance

River: Mountain to Sea
Winter Art Exhibit (كانون الثاني/يناير – نيسان/أبريل 2025)
The San Diego River Artists’ Alliance (SDRAA) is a collective of visual and 3D artists who are creating artwork about the San Diego River and its ecosystems. SDRAA is working alongside the San Diego River Park Foundation (SDRPF) to support its work and long-term vision for the river. They began in 2021 and since then have participated in several SDRPF events such as RiverFest, the Annual Anniversary celebrations at the new Discovery Center and sponsored hikes. Exhibit contact: https://www.sandiegoriverartistsalliance.net
“Much of the San Diego River is invisible. She is seen mainly from bridges in busy Mission Valley and in the news when she floods streets in the rare downpours. I search for the hidden paths that lead to the river, and then her awe seeps in” – Louise Russell, Photographer
When: الأربعاء, كانون الثاني/يناير 22 | 6-7 PM
Where: Grossmont Healthcare District’s Health & Wellness Library (9001 Wakarusa St. La Mesa, CA 91942)
RSVP: Call 619.825.5010, email library@grossmonthealthcare.org, or visit us in person to let us know you’re attending.
تتيح حفلات استقبال الفنانين فرصة الاختلاط بين الفنانين المحليين والاستمتاع بالمرطبات الخفيفة وفرصة مناقشة ما ألهمك من أعمالهم الفنية التي تراها في معرضهم المعروض في مكتبة الصحة والعافية في مستشفى جنيف للإعاقة الجسدية. هذه الفعالية مجانية ومفتوحة لجميع أفراد المجتمع.