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Wellness Wednesday: All About Autism

abril 24th @ 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

Autism Spectrum Disorder currently is diagnosed in 1 in 36 children in the United States. Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with no known cause or cure. Autism is 4 times more common in boys than girls and impacts all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. During this talk, you will learn about the diagnosis of autism, the common symptoms and red flags, current therapies and interventions, and ways to support those impacted by autism. There will be information shared about community resources and activities for the autism community.

Altavoz: Shirley Fett is a long-time volunteer board member with the Autism Society San Diego. Professionally, she works for the Vista Hill Foundation in several of their programs. She has a Master’s in Community Health Nursing from SDSU and Family Nurse Practitioner Certification from UCSD. She is a Pediatric Mental Health Specialist. She is a frequent lecturer and trainer on autism spectrum disorder for medical professionals and community partners. Shirley and her husband live in San Diego with their two adult autistic sons.

Cuando: Wednesday, April 24 | Presentation 10-11 AM, Film screening begins 11:30 AM
Dónde: Auditorio del Centro de Conferencias del Distrito de Salud de Grossmont (9001 Wakarusa St. La Mesa, CA)
Largometraje: The Lost City (2022), PG-13, 112 minutes

Los miércoles de bienestar son programas únicos patrocinados por GHD que presentan diferentes temas de salud cada mes. Los miércoles de bienestar son gratuitos y están abiertos a todos los miembros de la comunidad. No es necesario registrarse.



24 de abril
10:00 - 14:30
Categoría del Evento: