
Introducing A New Library Director to the Grossmont Healthcare District

Rachelle Georger Kierulff, incoming Director of Herrick Library (operated by the Grossmont Healthcare District)

Meet our new Herrick Library Director, Rachelle Georger Kierulff! She officially joins us on Tuesday, January 21 and will work with our healthcare district team to take Herrick Library into its next chapter.

Rachelle has a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from State University of New York at Brockport.

Prior to joining us, Rachelle had been at the Kresge Library serving The Scripps Research Institute and Scripps Green Hospital for 21 years, progressing up the ranks to become Library Manager in 2015 and Library Director in 2017. She says that she is looking forward to the change from the research and clinical side to a more public-facing role and helping residents with their health information and education needs.

“The possibilities for the Herrick Library are endless.” 
-Rachelle Georger Kierulff


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